Dec 2022

A 31 year old male presented with history of seizures since 2 months. He was treated with anti epileptics and was well controlled. Patient again developed breakthrough seizures. No focal neurological deficits. Auto immune work up & CSF analysis were unremarkable.

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Nov 2022

11 year old female child presented with history of right sided hearing loss, vertigo and imbalance since 6 months, right facial numbness, facial asymmetry and difficulty swallowing since 3 months, headache and vomiting since 1 month duration.

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Oct 2022

A 21 year old male was brought for evaluation of fever since 45 days associated with holocranial headache for 30 days and altered sensorium for 20 days . Working clinical diagnosis of chronic meningoencephalitis was made for which cross sectional imaging was requested.

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May 2022

A 5month old male child born out of by non-consanguineous marriage presented with history of left focal seizure, reddish discoloration of left hand and delayed attainment of milestones. Parents also noticed increase in fairness of the baby and loss of hair.

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April 2022

50 year old man presented with history of pyrexia of unknown origin, dull headache ,right ear pain, left side weakness and difficulty in swallowing. On neurological examination: Right side diplopia on looking at far objects

Continue ReadingApril 2022

March 2022

-23-year female patient presented with history of right sided headache since 1-year with recent onset giddiness and occasional vomiting for 2 months. She has right eye vision loss since birth. -Neurological examination was normal, except perception of light positivity in right eye

Continue ReadingMarch 2022