
    • Name of the Association: Indian Society of Neuro Radiology

The name of the Association is hereinafter called the Society.

  • The objectives of the Society shall be- 
    • To promote the study, practice and advancement of neuroradiology in all its fields (diagnostic, interventional, functional etc.).
    • To provide a forum for the professional interaction of neuroradiologists.
    • To set and monitor the standards of neuroradiology practice.
    • To publish a periodicals of neuroradiology.
    • To be a center for items of designs.
    • To organize, provide and/or assist Neuroradiology training programs.
    • To encourage research in Neuroradiology and allied sciences with grants out of the funds of the society or from donations received.
    • To do all such other things, as are cognates to the objects of the Society or are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.
    • To coordinate relations with general radiology and the clinical specialties devoted to the nervous system.
    • To promote and project the development of unified methods of teaching neuroradiology and unified standards for training and certificate in neuroradiology.
    • To promote and coordinate relations among the existing Indian national Neuroradiological societies and to promote the foundation of national Neuroradiological societies or national sections of the ISNR in the countries in which there are no existing societies.
    • To promote and coordinate relations and activities between neuroradiology in India that of other neuroradiology societies.
  • The office of the Association shall be at Bangalore City, India, and at Department of Neuroradiology, NIMHANS, Hosur Road, Bangalore and /or at such other place as the Executive Committee decides.
  • The year of the Society and all its branches for financial purpose shall be from 1st of April to 31st March.
  • Working Hours

9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon

4.00 PM to 6.00 PM 


THE Society shall consist of members whose names are on the register of members of the Society at the time when these Rules and Bye-Laws come into operation and of subsequent members, who shall be those persons who being eligible, shall, after the registration of society, be duly elected in such a manner and upon such conditions as may be prescribed from time to time.

  • Register of Members

There shall be a Register in which the names of all the members of the Society shall be entered with their qualifications, addresses and bio-data as far as possible.

The Executive Committee shall have the right to decide the eligibility or otherwise and the class to which a member could be admitted and such decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. The members of the Society shall consist of the following categories: – Regular Members, Honorary Members, Associate Members, Emeritus Members, Corresponding Members, Funding Members.

Ordinarily, if there is no adverse remark by any member of the Executive Committee, the applicant will be enrolled as a Member. In case of adverse remarks against any applicant, the matter will be placed before the Executive Committee at its next meeting. In case of acceptance of applicant as a member, the Hon. General Secretary shall forthwith give due notice of admission to the New Member.  If it is not accepted, it shall be deemed that the Membership of the Society is not granted to the applicant. The application and the declaration form shall be filed as documents of the society at the Central Office.

Any adverse remark made against only applicant will be totally confidential and it is not open for public scrutiny.

If any applicant is not granted the membership, the admission and subscription fee paid by him shall be returned to the applicant.

  • Regular Members:

Individuals eligible to become Regular Members shall fill the prescribed membership application and declaration form and forward the forms along with the Subscription fee to the Central Office. The Hon. General Secretary will circulate the name of the applicant with his remarks to the members of the Executive Committee for their approval. 

A Regular Member shall be a radiologist who spends at least more than half of his/her clinical and research time in the practice of neuroradiology.

  • Life Member:

A life Member is a person who is admitted into that category by Executive Committee and who has paid the subscription fee of Rs. 1, 5000/- at the time of admission.


There is no Life Membership to an Associate Member.

There will be 3 Categories of members in Associate members i.e.

An Associated Member shall be a medical or a nonmedical graduate not practicing neuroradiology but shares a common interest in the field of neuroradiology and who will be specialists of various medical and nonmedical facilities, of a post-graduate student of various medical & nonmedical facilities or technologists or physicists or trade representatives of engineers etc.

  • Honorary Members 

By a decision of the majority of the senior members, honorary membership may be conferred upon individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Neuroradiology.  An honorary member shall have all privileges of full membership except that he or she shall not have a vote, shall not serve on committee, and shall not hold any office in this society.  An honorary member is not required to pay dues.

  • Emeritus Member

On written request by any senior member to the Joint Secretary and with the approval of the Executive committee, a senior member, who is no longer in the active practice of medicine may be designated member emeritus.  He or she shall not have a vote and shall not hold any office in this corporation. No dues shall be required of a member emeritus.

  • Corresponding Members- 

Corresponding members shall be Neuroradiologists whose side and practice outside India but other wise meet the qualifications of full Membership.  A corresponding member shall have all the privileges of like regular membership except that he or she shall not have a vote, shall not serve on committees and shall not hold any office in this society. He or she shall pay annual prescribed one-time lump sum membership fee.

Founder members who were first associated with the formation of this society. 

    • Every Regular member shall be entitled:-
      • To attend, take part and vote in all General Body Meetings of the Society.
      • To become a member of the Executive Committee.
      • To propose or second candidates for admission to the Society.
      • To a copy of each issue of the periodical and other publications of the Society either free or on payment of any prescribed charges during the continuance of the membership.
    • An Associate member shall be entitled-
      • To attend to take part in all the meetings of the Society but without the right of voting.
      • To be co-opted on various committees and sub-committees by the Executive Committee.
      • To have a copy of each issue of the periodical and other publications of the Society either free or on payment of any charges that may be levied during the continuance of membership.
    • An Associate member shall not be entitled-
      • To exercise vote in any of the meetings of the Society.
      • To stand for election to the Executive Committee.
      • To become an Office Bearer of the Society.

The General Body shall consist of all members of the Society except associate members.

General Body meetings can only be attended to by the Regular Members.


The Management of ISNR is entrusted to the Executive Committee.


The Executive committee shall be composed of the following members of the Society

    • The President of the Society
    • The Vice-President of the Society
    • The Secretary of the Society
    • The Joint Secretary of the Society
    • The Treasurer of the Society
    • Elected members from the General Body in the Annual General Body Meeting
    • Immediate Past President of the Society
    • Immediate Past Secretary of the Society
    • Editor of the Periodical

The Executive Committee will have power to nominate a trade representative to the Executive Committee, for specific period of 2 years, and such nominee shall not have voting right in the Executive Committee.


The EC may invite any individual to a Executive Committee Meeting for a specific purpose.  The individual does not have the rights of voting.


The Executive Committee shall be the Executive Authority of the society and as such shall have powers to carry into effect the policy and programme of the Society as laid down by the General Body and shall remain responsible thereof.

  • The Executive committee will administer the affairs of the Society in accordance with the Rules and Byelaws and in conformity with the Memorandum of Association.  The Executive Committee shall exercise such powers and do such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Society.  Ordinarily, the Executive Committee meets twice a year.
  • To purchase, to take on lease of, or otherwise acquire, hold, manage, let, sell, mortgage, exchange or otherwise dispose off movable or immovable property of every description and all rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and in particular and land, building, furniture, house hold or other effects, conveyance and accommodation and when deemed necessary or desirable in the interest of the Society sell, demise, let, hire out, mortgage, transfer or otherwise dispose off the same in accordance with the provisions of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960.
  • To acquire, construct, improve or alter and maintain buildings on behalf of and for the Society.
  • To accept endowments and grants from the national or international, official or non-official, sponsored by the Government or other Charitable or similar institutions, foundations etc. or from individuals to advance the aims and objects and purposes of the Society and its periodical.
  • To borrow or raise money, collect subscription donations for the Society and the Periodical in such manner as the Society may think fit.
  • To invest any money of the Society or periodical or proceeds from the movable and or immovable properties of the Society if not immediately required by the Society and to withdraw the same in the manner provided by law.
  • Assist, subscribe to, or co-operate or affiliate or be affiliated with other similar organizations, trust or societies.
  • To constitute a recognized panel of trading companies dealing with equipment and accessories for the purposes of sales and after sales support.

The meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened as here under:-

  • The Hon. General Secretary with the consent of the President shall call the meeting of the Executive Committee.
  • If six members of the Executive Committee sign the notice to convene the Executive Committee indicating the business for which the meeting should be convened after giving 45 days notice, then the Hon. General Secretary with and/ or the President shall convene the meeting of the Executive Committee within 30 days thereafter by giving due notice

The due notice of any Executive Committee meeting shall mean-

  • Ordinary meeting                      – 4 weeks
  • Extra-ordinary meeting             – 2 weeks
  • Requisition meeting                   – 4 weeks
    • To make regulations and issue instructions for the efficient administration of the Society and for proper maintenance of its properties and publications.
    • To appoint committees, sub-committees, adhoc committees and standing committees as and when necessary.
    • To represent before the Central or State Governments or public bodies or any properly constituted authority, any matter affecting the interest of the Society or the neuroradiology profession in the State of Karnataka.
    • To consider and decide applications for memberships, resignation of members, suspension of members and the question of taking such disciplinary as it may deem fit, against any member for misconduct and willful neglect or notices.
    • To write off the whole or part of the unrealizable arrears of subscription of members, or other outstanding dues of the Society or its publication as and when considered necessary.
    • To appoint or remove salaried officers and servants of the Society.
    • To fix the rate of traveling allowance to be paid to the office-bearers of the Society and the members of the Executive Committee and other committees, adhoc committees and sub-committees.
    • To consider all matters and make necessary recommendation of them as far as possible, to it’s being placed before the General Body for discussions.

Any neuroradiology society, Union, Association or Scientific Organization either in India or abroad may be affiliate to the Society on terms and conditions to be mutually decided upon and approved by the General Body of the Society and their members shall be given facilities as mutually agreed upon except the right of voting.


If there is no representation of any category in the Executive Committee, then the proceedings and resolutions of the Executive Committee are valid.

Any decisions taken by the Executive Committee under Extraordinary Circumstances shall be valid.


An Extra Ordinary General Body meeting may be convened 15 minutes after Annual General Body Meeting to consider the proposals for amendments of memorandum, rules and bye-laws of the Society. 

Proposals for change in the Memorandum of the Society shall be considered at extra-ordinary meetings of the General Body specially convened for that purpose.  The proposed alterations must reach the Central Office at least four months before the date of the extra ordinary general body meeting and shall be circulated by the Secretary to all the Branches and Direct Members for opinion at least 30 days before the date of the meeting.  Due notice of the proposed change must be given in the Agenda of the Extra Ordinary General meeting of the Society.  No such proposal shall be carried into effect unless it is agreed to by the votes cast in favor of the proposition by members being entitled to do so, and such votes are not less than three times the number of votes if any cast against the resolution by the members so entitled and voting.

Proposals for change of name and rules and regulations shall be amended by a resolution passed at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.


Membership shall stand terminated: –

  • By resignation:
    A member may be anytime resign the membership by giving 30 days notice in writing to the Hon. General Secretary.
    The resigning member shall pay up all the dues standing against him/her. Secretary concerned shall put up a statement of outstanding dues against such member’s clearance Certificate, along with his/ her resignation letter shall be sent to the Executive Committee, which shall accept the resignation.
  • By removals of names on account of non-payment of subscription after due notice as follows:
    In the case of a member whether regular (or) associate, whose subscription remains unpaid by 30th September, his/her membership shall be terminated automatically after have followed the procedure of reminding the member twice via surface mail. The Office is not responsible for the postal delay or loss. 
  • By removal of names on the ground of undesirable conduct:
    If the conduct of a Member be deemed by the Executive committee prejudicial to the interest of the Society (or) be considered to bring the medical profession into disrepute, the Executive Committee may ask him to submit a written explanation of his conduct. In the event of the explanation being found unsatisfactory, the member may be asked to ether apologize or resign from the Society.  If the member is agreeable, the apology shall be sent to the office with a confidential note giving details of the case for future reference.  In the event of the said member refusing either to apologize or resign when asked to do so, the Executive Committee member refusing either to apologize or resign when asked to do so, the Executive Committee shall be called to consider the case and at least 7 days notice of the meeting shall be given to the member concerned, and he shall be given an opportunity to explain his conduct, if he desires to do so.  If at the meeting of the members present having recorded their votes for removal of his/ her name from the membership, then his/ her name shall be removed from the Register of members of the ISNR only after receipt of such a confirmation in the meantime all rights and privileges of the members shall be suspended.
  • By removal of name on the ground of conviction in a Court of Law ipso-fact:
    • Upon sentence of conviction in a Court of law for any crime, involving moral turpitude.
    • Upon being de-registered by the medical council of India or a State Medical Council on the ground of unethical conduct; (or)
    • Upon forfeiture through misconduct of the medical qualification by virtue of which he ceases to be eligible for membership.
    • Any person who has ceased to be member by resignation of default can be readmitted on fresh application being made by him and on payment of readmission fee of Rs. 100/- in addition to a fresh triennial or life membership fee, such an application shall be scrutinized by the Executive Committee.
    • A person who has been removed on the ground of undesirable conduct be readmitted on the expiry of 2 year or thereafter, provided, his application for re-enrolment is supported by 10 members of the Society, testifying his good conduct during the intervening period.  He must also submit a written apology acceptable to the Executive Committee.
    • But in the case, of removal of the name on the ground of conviction in a Court of Law, readmission shall be possible only subsequent to such a person’s name being re-entered in the Medical Register.
    • Officers of the Society shall be elected at the general assembly to serve according to the provision of this article.  The procedure for electing officers of the Society shall be as follows:
    • The Nominating Committee shall nominate one or more candidates for each available office, and report the names to the society membership no later than the convocation of the general body. 
    • Nominations for officers have to be addressed to the Nominating Committee.
    • Nominations from the other members may also be accepted.
    • The order of election shall be President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, and Treasurer. If more than one Nomination has been received for an office, voting shall be by secret written ballot for each office separately.
    • The result of the election shall be announced immediately and the candidates who have received a majority of votes will be declared elected.
    • If the ballot results in a tie, the president shall declare the election void and shall call for any additional nominations.
    • The president shall be elected among full members who have served at least once as officers of the ISNR.
    • The elected officers shall take office immediately after the general assembly.
    • The term of office of the President and the immediately after the general assembly. The term of office of the President and the Executive members is one year.  It has been decided that during the initial phase of the ISNR, The secretary would remain for two years and the Joint Secretary for three years.  Subsequently the joint secretaries would change after every three years.  At least one Joint Secretary will always be from the place of the President. The Treasurer would complete the terms of three years.
    • The office bearers shall be elected from the amongst the members of the Society constituting the General Body of the Society every year at its Annual Body of the Society every year at its Annual General Meeting and it shall consist of: –
      • The President
      • The Vice President Hon.
      • General Secretary
      • Joint Secretary
      • Treasurer
    • and they shall assume office after they are declared elected.
    • The period of office bearers shall always be for one year. 
    • The newly elected office bearers shall assume office on the first day of they being declared as the Office Bearers and the previous Office bearers shall immediately hand over charge to the newly elected office bearers. 
      • The President shall be president officer of all meetings of the General Body.  Annual meeting and all meetings of the Society and the Executive Committee and any other Committee.  He shall be ex-officio member of al committees except statutory committee. 
      • The President shall guide and control and activities of the Society.
      • The President shall in addition to his ordinary votes, have a casting vote in case of equality of votes in any meeting.
      • The president shall undertake tours etc. in the interest of the Society whenever required.
      • The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint members to standing committees, appoint society representatives as provided in the constitution and appoint members to adhoc committees.  Ad-hoc-committees may be established by the president in consultation with the Executive Committee. 
      • The President of the ISNR may nominate an Advisory Board to be consulted upon request on specific items of interest for the Society 
      • The Advisory Board shall consist of full members, one of whom will be appointed as chairman by the president.
      • The Vice President shall preside at the Annual meeting in case the president is unavoidable absent.
      • The Vice President shall be the Chairperson of all committees of which he is a member in case the President is absent.
      • In the absence of the President and in the event of any emergency arising, due to any reason such as death, detention, or absence for considerable period by remaining out of India, then the duties of the President shall devolve upon the Vice President.  In case of resignation of the President, it will become effective when it is accepted by the Executive Committee.  Pending the acceptance of the resignation the Vice President shall act as indicated above in case the President is unwilling to function as such.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall be in charge of the Office of ISNR.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall conduct all correspondence on behalf of the Society.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall have general supervision of accounts and press all bills for payment.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall prepare Annual Statement of Accounts and get the same audited by the auditor and place it for adoption by the General Body.  It should be distributed 21 days earlier to the Annual General Body meeting.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall help to organize, arrange and convener meetings, congresses, lectures and demonstrations.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall prepare a budget and present it at the Annual General meeting of the Society.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall attend meeting of the General Body, Executive Committee and keep record of proceedings thereof.  The minutes of General Body meetings shall be circulated amongst the members of the Society within two months after the General Body meeting
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall maintain a correct and upto date register of all members of the Society
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall bring any matter which he considers necessary in the interest of the Society to the notice of the General Body and the Executive Committee for guidance and decision
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall keep up to Rs.1000/-in impress account for day-to-day expenses.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall obtain opinion of the members of the Executive Committee by correspondence under instruction of the President whenever it is necessary.
      • The Hon. General Secretary shall perform such other duties as the President may assign.
      • Shall receive all payments of the Society and deposit them in a Bank or Banks approved by the General Body of the Society to the credit of the Society to be operated jointly by any two of the following office bearers viz. President, Secretary, Treasurer.
      • Shall be responsible for collection of all subscriptions and contributions due to the office of ISNR.
      • Shall dispose of the bills for payment as sanctioned by the Hon. General Secretary only on his written order.
    • The Honorary Joint General Secretary
      • Shall assist in all the activities of the secretary.
      • Shall function as the General Secretary in his/her absence.
      • Shall have the right to point out any error or discrepancy in the order of payment of the Hon. General Secretary and refer the order back to him with his remarks,  In the even of the disagreement still persisting between the Hon. General Secretary and the Hon. General Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer, the matter shall be referred to the President for final decision.
      • Shall be responsible for keeping up to date accounts of the society with all accounts of the society with all accounts books posted up to date.
      • Shall get the accounts audited by the Auditors of the Society and
      • Shall prepare an annual statement of the accounts and Balance Sheets (Balance Sheet consists of Assets and Liabilities, Profit and Loss Account consists of Income and Expenditure A/c), showing the financial position of the Society with the assistance and co-operation of the Hon Secretary and get them audited by the auditors of the Society and submit the same for adoption by the General Body at the Annual General Meeting.

Whenever it shall appear to the Executive Committee that it is advisable to amalgamate the society, either wholly with another society, the Executive Committee shall submit the proposition to the proposition to the members of the society in a written report and shall convene the special General Body meeting for the consideration thereof.  But no such proposition shall be deemed to have been approved unless such report has been sent by post under Certificate giving 21 days clear notice thereof and such proposition as agreed by majority of the members present and voting and confirmed by a similar majority of votes at a 2nd Special General Body meetings or by post.


By majority, members of the Society may determine in a Special General Body meeting that the Society shall stand dissolved at the time agreed upon and all necessary steps shall be taken in concurrence with the section 22 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act.


The procedure laid down under Sec 23 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act shall be followed


The quorum for all Executive Committee Meetings shall be six.  In all meetings, except requisition meeting, if a quorum is not present within half  of the appointed time.  The meetings shall stand adjourned for an hour and then meet again to transact the business.  For such adjourned meetings, no quorum is necessary and no new subject will be considered except those subjects, which were on the agenda in the adjourned meeting.


The quorum for special General Body Meetings or Annual General Body meeting shall 10 Regular members or 1/5 of the total Regular membership, whichever is less.

    • The Annual General Body Meetings                      45 days
    • The Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting:
      • For purposes of change in the memorandum        60 days
      • For all other purpose (ordinarily)                         30 days
      • The Requisition Meeting                                     30 days
  1. No resolution adopted or negative by the Executive Committee shall be considered in the Executive Committee meeting unless either six months have elapsed or half of the numbers of members of the Executive Committee are in favor of such reconsideration.
  • The funds of the Society shall be derived from the following sources:
    • Subscription of the members.
    • Special contributions or donations raised.
    • Savings from annual conferences
    • Requests received by legacies from persons who desire to benefit the Society
    • Subscription from affiliated bodies according to the rule.
    • Such other sources may be authorized by the Executive Committee or the General Body.

The Society shall accept unconditional endowments lawfully made for the advancement of its aim and objectives.

A conditional endowment shall be accepted by the Society only if it is associated with or is made for commemoration or the memory of any person, who has contributed to the field of Neuroradiology.

    • There shall be a Reserve Fund of the Society.  At least 25 % of the Annual surplus of the Society shall be credited to this fund in the following year.  The Reserve Found shall only be drawn upon by a special Resolution in a meeting of the General body, notice of which shall have been duly circulated.
    • The Office shall, out of the funds of the Society defray all expenses and shall pay rents, salaries, wages and such other charges as may be necessary for carrying on the work of the society.  It shall further provide for the issue of the journal and such other publications, meetings, be authorized and shall be empowered to spend money on scientific investigations, meetings, prizes.  Scholarships, fellowships and for such other purposes, as it may consider advisable, in furtherance of the objects of the society within the budgetary provisions
    • A member enrolled anytime during the year shall pay full subscription for the year irrespective of the date of enrolment.
    • All the members attending the Annual General Body meeting should have paid the subscription then due.  The proof of payment in the shape of either a receipt or a Certificate by the Branch President or Secretary shall be sufficient in the case of the Branch member.
    • A member enrolled anytime during the year shall pay the full triennial subscription for three years including the year of enrollment.
  3. Extra Ordinary Meeting

The Hon. General Secretary with the consent of the President can call on extra-ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee, if the President considers it necessary.

  1. Requisition Meeting

The President or the Hon. General Secretary with the sanction of the President, shall upon receipt of a signed by at least 6 members of the Executive Committee specifying the nature of business for which the requisition meeting is required convene a meeting within 43 days of the receipt of the requisition.  A notice of 30 days shall be given to the Executive Committee members.  If the president or the Hon. General Secretary fails to call the meeting within 45 days, a meeting shall be held within 10 weeks from the date of the delivery of such requisite to Hon. General Secretary on behalf of the Executive Committee.  If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present the meeting, if convened upon requisition of the members, shall be dissolved.  The requisition meeting shall preferably be held at the Central Office of the Society or as the president decides, but in case the President or the Hon. General Secretary fails to call a meeting, the requisitionist may hold the meeting only a Bangalore City.

    • The election if necessary (in the absence of President or the Vice President) of the Chairperson.
    • Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meetings of the Executive Committee
    • Consideration of the Annual Report of the year.
    • Consideration of the Audited accounts of the year.
    • Consideration of the Budget of the ensuring year.
    • Election of the new members of the Society
    • Amendment of the Rules for consideration and recommendation to General Body.
    • Amendments of bye-laws
    • Resolutions brought forward by State Branches, if any.
    • Resolution brought forward by individual members of the society.
    • Except with the Special permission of the Chairperson, no resolution shall be placed before meetings of the Executive Committee that he not been previously given notice of rand duly circulated with the agenda of the meting.
    • Notice of resolutions to be moved at the annual meeting of the Executive Committee shall reach the Hon. General Secretary at least 4 weeks before the date of the meeting.
    • Annual General Meeting
    • Scientific meetings
    • Annual General Meeting
    • Extra Ordinary General Meetings
    • Scientific meetings 
    • To read and discuss papers on neuroradiology (Diagnostic and Therapy), Ultrasound Physics and a Allied Sciences and to arrange lecturers, demonstrations and discussions on these subjects
  4. Annual General Meeting:
    • The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall include the following and in this order.
      • Confirmation of the Proceedings of the previous annual general meeting
      • Adoption of the Report of the Executive Committee.
      • Adoption of the Report of the Executive Committee.
      • Adoption of the Audited accounts.
      • Adoption of the Budget for ensuing year.
      • To elect office-bearers and Executive committee members, as per rules.
      • To appoint auditors for office of ISNR.
      • Any matter brought forward by the Executive Committee.
      • To appoint Hon. Legal Adviser.
      • To decide the venue of the next Annual meeting of ISNR two years in advance
      • Any other business, with the permission of the Chair.
    • The minutes of all the meetings shall be correctly kept and recorded as early as possible, and shall be signed by the Chair-person of the meeting and confirmed at the new meeting.
    • All questions submitted to a meeting shall be decided, (except in case specially provided for) be a majority of votes as registered by show of hands or in such other manner, as the Chairperson of the meeting shall determine.
    • No business shall be transacted at a requisition meeting other than that, for which the meeting is called for.
    • Notice of all motions to be placed before the Annual General Meeting shall reach the Hon. General Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.
    • All motions be brought before the Annual General meeting shall previously be considered by the Executive Committee and copies of such motions along with the agenda if business of the Annual General meeting shall be sent by the General Secretary to each member of the Executive Committee at least 14 days before the date of the meting of the Executive Committee at which they will be considered.
    • Notice of any amendment to the resolution to be brought forward before the Annual General Meeting must reach the Hon. General Secretary at least four days before the date of the General Meeting and copies of all the amendments received shall be made available to the members attending the meeting, as far as possible.
    • No motion or amendment of which due notice has not been given shall be put to the meeting unless sanctioned by the President with the consensus of the House.
    • However, a motion to change the order of business or for dissolution for adjournment of the meeting or for closure, or for proceedings to the next item of business on the agenda paper or for referring back for further consideration and report them when the motion is one dealing with a recommendation of a committee or an amendment there of may be accepted by the chairperson as formal if moved by any member present.
    • Notice shall be sent to members either personally or by post at their address as registered in the books of society.
    • Every members shall give notice to the Hon. General Secretary in writing of any change in address
    • Any notice, if served by post, shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the same is posted and is providing such service, it shall be sufficient to prove that the notice was properly addressed and posted.
    • The elections of office bearers of the Society shall be held at the Annual General Body Meeting.  The nominations for the various offices shall be received by the Hon. General Secretary 60 days prior to the Annual General Body meeting.  Last date for withdrawal shall be 30 days before Annual General Body meeting.  Immediately after the receipt of the nominations, the General /Secretary shall circulate the list of nomination amongst the Executive Committee members for objections if any to be raised.  If there are no contestants nominated then the previous office bearers shall continue in office till the next Annual General Meeting.
    • Election Officer duly appointed by Executive Committee will conduct all elections.
    • All members shall exercise their vote through secret postal Ballet paper.