November 2021

An elderly woman presented with complaints of progressive diminution of vision in both eyes. MRI showed suprasellar meningioma impinging on the optic chiasm. Patient underwent excision of the mass . Post operatively the patient did not wake up from anaesthesia. CT scan was ordered to look for post-operative complications.

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October 2021

45 year old man K/C/O Type II DM/Hypertension Presented with bifrontal headache associated with vomiting Visual hallucinations Imbalance while walking Patient developed multiple episodes of seizures, became aggressive and restless during the hospital stay

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August 2021

18 year old man was found unconscious. History of excessive somnolence, ataxia and fatigue past 5 days. No history of fever or seizures. History of head injury following road traffic accident a year back and was on prophylactic sodium valproate therapy regularly

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